Japji sahib lyrics hindi
Japji sahib lyrics hindi

japji sahib lyrics hindi japji sahib lyrics hindi

His remembrance and devotion ends all our sorrows and helps us discover the long-lasting joy within ourselves. Although from whom to listen about God, gets further clear in the upcoming lines of this Pauri. Singing, listening and reminiscing about Him with love and devotion is the way to attune with the Supreme. Sing, rejoice about God’s infinite virtues and fill your hearts with gratitude, says Guru Nanak. It is what shall elevate our consciousness to the state of Nirbhai and Nirvair. For to worship God, is to embrace His Hukam with all sincerity. Here, Guru Nanak Dev says that mere idol worship is futile, unless we follow the Divine Will. He is formless, limitless, complete, and away from the grasp of Illusion ( Maya). In no way we should think that we have ‘created’ God, for His vastness could never be confined in such a small physical space. God cannot be created, thus how could He ever be encompassed in the physical form of a small idol! Whether we are carving an idol or installing it at some place, we must not forget that is a symbolic way of expressing our faith and reverence. In the Mool Mantra also, it has been said that the Supreme can be realized only by Guru’s grace ( Guru Prasad). Further, he is emphasizing the invaluable role of a Living Master (Guru) in attaining that state where we can feel God’s presence everywhere and in everything. In this Pauri, Guru Nanak Dev Ji says that the nature of is Eternal, one that cannot be obtained by indulging in blind idol worship (which was quite prevalent at that time). For a deeper understanding, we encourage you to watch the Japji Sahib serieson YouTube. ✅Subscribe - youtube.These blogs are derived from Sri Guru’s Satsangs on Shri Japji Sahib, giving a brief interpretation of the Pauris by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. जपुजी साहिब Japji Sahib full path (fast) in Hindi with lyrics, read along morning nitnem 1st bani from Guru Nanak dev ji. Japji Sahib in Hindi - जपजी साहिब पाठ - Japji Sahib in hindi fast - Full Path with Lyrics in Hindi.

Japji sahib lyrics hindi