While some (particularly the original Fire Red sprites) have an ambiguous design, most of them look clearly female, even when the game says otherwise, since this is kept mostly for mechanical purposes or in some cases just developer oversights. Gameplay and Story Segregation: The appearances of the 'Moemon' don't change depending on the gender indicated by the game.Game Mod: Mostly of Gen III games, specifically FireRed and Emerald, though GBC and NDS romhacks exist.This makes the latter patch one of the few known English Moemon games to feature Mons from newer generations.

These patches do not work on the Emerald hack patching it in this manner results in a major Game-Breaking Bug.

Other patches kept getting updated with new sprites over time, such as the Moemon Fire Red Revival patch and even feature hacks like Mega Moemon FireRed that feature Moemon based on Pokémon from newer generations.

Downloadable Content: Addtional FireRed patches have been in the works, such as the early patch made by the Youtube User oOMikuMikuOo.Developer's Foresight: Carrying over from the actual games the ROMs were hacked from, there is a code which uses Spinda's personality value to generate exactly 4,294,967,296 (give or take) different variations of Spinda, or double that number if Shiny Spinda are considered different variations.There are many installments of Moemon in Japanese and some even in Korean, being just a small number the ones in English, but that number keeps gradually increasing over the years as there are dedicated groups of fans developing new installments with uptated sprites and features added in later generations for English speaking players to enjoy. The game is still given some focus, as patches are released to update sprites and such, giving it improvements much like DLC does for any other game.įor some time time Moemon was limited to GBA ROM hacks of FireRed and Emerald, but other hacks have surfaced over the years using second (GBC) and fourth (NDS) generation games as a base. Many of the tropes that pertain to the original game this is hacked from also pertain here, and can be viewed on the original game's page. The original Emerald hack also has its fair share of problems. After the original FireRed hack, other hacks, such as one of Emerald, emerged however, the original and its derivatives are the most well known and referenced on sites such as Bulbapedia. Most Moemon games, especially earlier ones, have no real plot changes, being the moe personifications of the Pokémon their main highlight, which obviously contribute to the popularity of the hack. Moemon (short for "Moekko Monsters") is a Pokémon romhack of FireRed that replaces all of the Mons with Moe gijinka. All 386 Moemon! Gotta Catch 'em All!Ever wondered what happens when you take Pokémon and combine them with impossibly cute anime girls? Well, you'd get Moemon.