At Grove of Jhebbal Sag, you can craft Claws of Jhebbal Sag by using 30x Star Metal Bar, 4x Shaped Wood, 50x Manifestation of Zeal, and 5x Shadebloom.At Frost Temple Smith, you can craft Pride of Aesir Helmet by using 1x Perfected Medium Padding, 18x Star Metal Bar, 8x Black Ice, and 8x Alchemical Base.At Frost Temple Smith, you can craft Pride of Aseir Chestpiece by using 1x Perfected Medium Padding, 35x Star Metal Bar, 15x Black Ice, and 8x Alchemical Base.At Garrison Blacksmith’s Bench, you can craft Conan’s Atlantean Sword (Epic) by using 30x Star Metal Bar, and 1x Weapon Handle.At Precision Carpenter’s Bench, you can craft Star Metal Arrow by using 10x Branch, 2x Star Metal Bar, and 4x Feather.At Improved Blacksmith’s Bench, you can craft Star Metal Spear by using 45x Star Metal Bar, and 1x Weapon Handle.At Improved Blacksmith’s Bench, you can craft Star Metal Hatchet by using 30x Star Metal Bar, and 4x Shaped Wood.At Blacksmith’s Bench, you can craft Daggers of Dagon by using 1x Weapon Handle, 30x Star Metal Bar, and 5x Scales of Dagon.At Armorer’s Bench, you can craft Stygian Invader Chestguard by using 1x Perfected Heavy Padding, 20x Hardened Leather, and 18x Star Metal Bar.At Armorer’s Bench, you can craft Stygian Invader Boots by using 1x Perfected Padding, 20x Hardened Leather, and 18x Star Metal Bar.At the Altar of Zath, you can craft Zathite Spear by using 30x Star Metal Bar, 4x Shaped Wood, and 50x Manifestation of Zeal.You can do that by using 30x Star Metal Bar, 4x Shaped Wood, and 50x Manifestation of Zeal.

Let’s dive into the list of crafting recipes. Of course, they can help you in completing several difficult tasks. Certainly, it has a huge list of crafting recipes that can get you some of the special and legendary items. Star Metal bar is used in many recipes including crafting weapons and armors.